Do's and Dont's- Invisbile Aligners Edition

Admin July 24, 2022
Do's and Dont's

Some basic criteria must be followed when using the most comfortable and successful way of straightening teeth— Clear Aligners. In order to get as much out of clear teeth aligners, you must maintain proper care of them, wear them for the recommended amount of time each day, and notify your orthodontist if you experience any issues.

We're here to respond to any questions you may have about the application process. Take a look at our list of dos and don'ts for getting the smile of your dreams with ODS Aligners!


•Every morning, remove your ODS Aligners tray and properly brush and clean them: This is due to the fact that when you sleep, bacteria accumulate on the trays. Developing a morning ritual is critical to sustaining dental hygiene and maintaining your retainers in good condition. Every night before you go to sleep, do this as well.

•Each time you remove your aligners, wash them with a toothbrush and water. Every time you take out your aligners, it's a good idea to give them a quick rinse with water. Plaque and dry saliva will not build up as a result of this. You can use an aseptic technique and a soft-bristled brush to eliminate any food particles that may have become lodged in your aligners.

•If you don't wear your aligners for the appropriate amount of time each day, you won't get the full benefit and value of ODS Aligners. So you can see the impact we're making!

•ODS Aligners cleaning crystals or a dentures cleaning can be used. After rinsing, use a spare brush to remove any food or plaque that may have accumulated on your teeth. After that, give them another rinse before putting them back in your mouth.

•Maintain your gums and teeth by brushing and flossing before putting the appliance back in your mouth. When placing your aligners back in, brush and floss your teeth. In the absence of such precautions, food particles may become lodged between your teeth.

•Stay away from direct sunlight, hot automobiles and excessive heat when storing your aligner.

•When not in use, keep your aligners out of the reach of dogs and children.

•To keep your gums healthy, schedule regular dental cleaning service and exams.


•Trays can’t be left on the floor: Keep your invisible orthodontic appliance in their case while they are not in use. There is a greater risk of infection if you keep them in the open air. Additionally, they're more likely to be misplaced or broken. It's always a good idea to keep your aligner cover handy. You should soak and wash them before seeing them again if you leave them out.

•Don't forget to plan for long trips: As a result of having to change up your aligners every several months, some planning is needed throughout ODS Aligners therapy. Make sure to pack the new set of aligners or have it transported to your destination if you expect to be gone for a long amount of time. Rehabilitation will not be interrupted as a result of this.

•Drinking water while having your teeth aligned is the only activity you should be doing. Remove the aligners first before you eat and drink anything. If you don't want the plates to get soiled and damaged, don't let food particles get stuck inside. ODS Aligners are not designed to withstand the stress of eating.

•ODS Aligners trays can’t be cleaned with toothpaste or fragrant soaps: They'll stain your trays and leave a residue behind. To make matters worse, your aligners will start to smell bad after a while.

•Aligners can’t be removed with the help of sharp objects.

•Napkins or paper towels can’t be used to wrap aligners.

•Cleaning your aligners does not mean running them under hot water.

•To avoid damaging them, don’t wash them in the dishwasher.

•Don’t use mouthwash, which can harm or discolour your aligners.

•If you bite down on your aligners to get them in place, you run the risk of damaging both them and your teeth.

We understand that there is a lot to absorb right now. However, despite the fact that following these guidelines may seem daunting initially, you will rapidly develop a pattern that you can rely on. Is there anything else we can do for you about clear aligners? We at ODS Aligners know the solutions.

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