Why should you invest in clear aligners?

Why should you invest in clear aligners?

Admin Aug 19, 2022

The most obvious benefit of having straight teeth is that you will feel more confident and attractive when you smile.

Most people get their teeth smoothed so they can smile confidently, which is a cosmetic benefit. It's understandable if you feel self-conscious about your crooked teeth. This can erode your confidence and make you unhappy. You'll feel better about yourself, make more friends, and advance in your career if you smile with pride.

• Teeth that are aligned properly have a better chance of remaining healthy.
Age causes wear and tear on teeth, but misaligned and crowded teeth wear out faster than straight ones. Maintaining good oral hygiene can help you keep your natural teeth for a lifetime, ensuring not only a lifetime of ease in eating and speaking but also a lifetime of ease in both. One of the most effective methods is to have your teeth straightened.

• Teeth that are properly aligned are easier to keep clean.
Regular flossing not only aids in cavity prevention but also prevents gingivitis, or gum disease, by removing bacteria from the area between the teeth and gums.

Misaligned teeth can make it difficult to properly brush all of the tooth surfaces, and crowded teeth can make it difficult to properly floss, both of which can lead to gum disease and cavities. When teeth are aligned properly, they are less likely to develop cavities and gum disease.

• Misaligned jaws are a result of crooked teeth, as stated in point 4.
Chronic pain from temporomandibular disorder (also called TMJ or TMD) can result from an imperfect fit between the upper and lower jaw. Clenching and grinding of the teeth can be the result of an unaligned jaw and crooked teeth. Chronic conditions, shoulder pain, and earaches can all be caused by the force exerted when grinding or pinching crooked teeth. TMJ pain, if left unaddressed, can be uncomfortable.

The long-term consistency and comfort of your teeth, as well as your ability to break the habit of pinching and pounding them, can be greatly improved by orthodontic treatment before TMD develops.

Schedule an appointment with ODS Aligners right away to take the first step toward a more beautiful and confident smile .

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