Deepbite Making You Feel Less Confident?

Deepbite Making You Feel Less Confident? We Got You Covered

Admin May 09, 2022

Deepbite is a commonly encountered condition that can range in severity from mild to severe. It is critical to have your deepbite corrected, regardless of its degree; else, it can cause dental complications. We have a wonderful answer for you - a pair of ODS clear dental aligners - to assist you to avoid such complications and get your tooth aligned painlessly.

ODS Clear aligners are among the most revolutionary orthodontic procedures for correcting an overbite because they use transparent, lightweight, and easy-to-handle orthodontics instead of unpleasant and ugly brackets. At ODS Aligners, we have pioneered this technology and are happy to help you out in any way we can.

What Are the Benefits of Correcting an Overbite?

We have made a list of reasons why you need to correct your deepbite and not let it fester.

1. Protect your teeth and gums

The teeth are not correctly aligned once you have a deepbite. Also, the front teeth may rub against one another from time to time. This friction may cause significant damage to the dentin, the top layer of your tooth that acts as a protective shield against infection and other disorders . Lacking enamel, the teeth are more susceptible to infections, periodontitis, and other dental problems. As a result, it is critical to have your teeth corrected as soon as possible so that you can be free of such concerns.

2. Avoid TMJ Dysfunction and Nerve Pain

Whenever your jaw is misplaced owing to an deepbite, tension is constantly applied to the bone that links your jaw to your cranium, eventually producing TMJ dysfunction. It also creates problems, buzzing in the ears, jaw discomfort, and trouble eating, breathing, and talking, among other things. It is critical to have your teeth aligned as soon as possible to avoid such complications.

3. Make sure your facial bone structure is in order.

A deepbite, like it or not, can alter your face structure. Deepbite is caused by the forward -thrusting top mandible, which causes your bottom tooth to sit behind your higher upper jaw, leading to a less accentuated forehead and jaw. Nevertheless, straightening your teeth with clear aligners from ODS might give you a more defined neckline, letting your face appear slimmer.

4. Roadblock to Proper Speech Did you notice that a deepbite could create lisps and other speech difficulties? What causes this to happen? That's because your tongue will not reach the roof of the mouth or your gums as it should, making a few phrases and consonants hard to enunciate.

What Can Clear Aligners Do Help With An Overbite?

ODS aligners are amongst the most effective and convenient ways to correct your teeth, as they eliminate the need for complicated traditional braces. These clear plastic aligners are virtually undetectable, pleasant, and easy to remove.

By putting consistent pressure on the teeth, clear aligners correct misaligned teeth. And this tension aids in the movement of teeth towards their optimum location, so assisting in the correction of a deepbite and the straightening of your tooth. You may quickly remove the clear aligners when eating, cleaning and brushing your mouth, and other activities.

The position of your teeth shifts slightly over time. And, to keep track of this motion, we at ODS Aligners keep an eye on your teeth continuously and plan our future steps appropriately. Your unequal bite and chin adjust to the suitable location as you progress through the ODS clear aligners, culminating in perfect teeth. By the end of the treatment, you'll have the ideal smile you've always wanted.

Are you thinking about the concessions you'll have to start making? You don't have to be concerned about it because all you have to do is schedule a session with us. Visit our website today.

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