Say Goodbye To Painful Braces

Say Goodbye To Painful Braces with ODS Aligners

Admin Apr 08, 2022

People with misaligned teeth have had the misfortune of wearing painfully uncomfortable metal braces to correct their teeth. The process is painful and highly inconvenient. You cannot eat all kinds of food; you have trouble speaking and pronouncing correctly; you even feel insecure about smiling because people will judge your braces.

Well, all that is a thing of the past. ODS Aligners are here to make sure you can access the best orthodontic treatment without compromising on any of these. We know it sounds too good to be true, but we promise you that you will see why we make these promises once you are through with your treatment.

So, be prepared to say goodbye to your traditional braces and welcome clear aligners from ODS Aligners. Let's take a look at the following points to get this.

Many individuals have mal-aligned teeth like crowding, spacing between teeth or improper bite, and when you do, you understand how it can impair the appearance (and effectiveness) of your smiling face and your self-esteem. Brackets, fortunately, have been around for a lot longer to help correct teeth for better function and appearance. In recent times, to overcome the drawbacks of braces, newer appliances like clear aligners have been developed.

1. You Can't Get Rid Of Braces
Traditional braces are fixed on the teeth and cannot be removed by a patient. You'll have to maintain them for the duration of your therapy, and only your orthodontist will be able to take them out afterward. To shift the teeth, braces are adjusted regularly.

Traditional braces are fixed on the teeth and cannot be removed by a patient. You'll have to maintain them for the duration of your therapy, and only your orthodontist will be able to take them out afterward. To shift the teeth, braces are adjusted regularly.

Aligners, on the other hand, do not need to be tightened. Instead, you get a fresh pair of aligners to keep your teeth straight every 1 to 2 weeks.

2. Aligners can treat a number of issues.
Many people think that aligners are just for the sake of aesthetics, which is false. At ODS Aligners, we have a dedicated team of orthodontists and dental experts committed to improving the procedure for all patients. Aligners can treat the same issues that traditional braces can treat, and with specialised technology, these can do similar to conventional metal braces.

3. They're Suitable for People of All Ages
Adults prefer aligners because it allows them to straighten their teeth without significantly modifying their lifestyle. For teenagers, clear aligners are also offered. This is because wearing metal braces can make your self-esteem take a loss. While there is no apparent shame in having misaligned teeth, it can put a dent in your appearance. With ODS Aligners, you do not have to compromise how you look.

Moreover, young children who may need an adjustment on their teeth could still be learning to speak new words. Traditional metal braces can hinder speech development because they are uncomfortable and painful to wear. People who wear braces almost invariably get ulcers, difficulty in eating, poor oral hygiene and at time lisp in speech, things which are not seen in the case of ODS Aligners.

Therefore, think again if you are scared of going to the orthodontist because you will get painful braces. Contact us at ODS Aligners to book a slot with one of our partner orthodontists.

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