Understanding the difference between overjet and overbite

Understanding the difference between overjet and overbite

Admin Aug 13, 2022

It is common practise to use the terms "overjet" and "overbite" synonymously when referring to orthodontic issues. Is there a difference between these two? In short, no!

There are notable distinctions between these. These are the key distinctions between the two states of affairs.

What is an overjet?
Overjet is characterised by an outward protrusion of the upper front teeth. The term "buck teeth" is commonly used to describe this dental anomaly. An overjet occurs when there is a large gap between the upper and lower jaws.

In a typical smile, the upper teeth should protrude by about one to three millimetres over the lower teeth. A condition known as overjet occurs when the upper teeth protrude beyond the lower ones by more than 4 milli-meters.


Traits of an Overjet
• Overly protruding teeth
• Poor posturing; tucked chin.
• Overly protruding front teeth
• In the front-to-back direction, the upper teeth are more prominent than the lower ones.

The causes of an overjet are varied.
Overjet is often inherited. Overjet can be caused by prolonged nail biting, tongue pushing, or the use of a binkie or bottle. Overjet can also be caused by an overdeveloped or underused upper jaw or vice versa.

It's also possible for an overjet to result from a discrepancy in arch length or tooth number. Overjet occurs when the upper teeth protrude beyond the lower teeth. This can happen if the lower jaw has missing teeth.

• The Consequences of Ignoring Overjet
If left untreated, overjet can lead to a variety of health problems that necessitate treatment.

o You have a higher risk of experiencing dental trauma.
o issues with both communication and digestion.

• If your teeth stick out too far from your gums, your lips might not be able to close all the way. The severity of dry mouth caused by this increases the risk of tooth decay. A person's self-confidence may suffer as a result. People with overjet also have an increased risk of developing obstructive sleep apnea.

Overjet Treatment
In most cases, orthodontic devices like braces and orthodontic appliances can alleviate the symptoms. Depending upon the extent of the misaligned teeth, ODS Aligners can correct most instances of overjet and underbite. Ask your dentist if clear aligners are an option for you. If overjet is dealt with as soon as possible, that's ideal. See how ODS Aligners has aided patients with overjet.

Traits of an Overbite
When contrasting overbite with overjet, it is important to note that the former is a vertical issue, while the latter is a lateral one. Your dentist will evaluate the position of your teeth in reference to your lower front teeth to determine if you have an overbite.

When a person has a severe overbite, their lower teeth can actually bite into the gums behind their upper front teeth. When you gnaw or bite down, your lower teeth are hidden almost entirely.


Why do some people develop an overbite?
An overbite typically results from an eruptive bite. What this means is that your lower teeth have been covered by your upper teeth because they erupted too far and shifted downward.

It's a bone deformity brought on by factors like a weak jawbone or a genetic predisposition.

Possible Consequences of Ignoring Overbite.
The condition can worsen into a host of problems if not addressed.

• In the first place, it has an effect on how one looks when smiling.
• This causes the teeth to wear down faster and can cause the sufferer to grind their teeth.
• Extreme cases can result in gum damage and weakened teeth from the lower teeth hitting the gums behind the upper teeth.
• Tooth grinding can cause dentin wear, cracks, and even periodontitis.

Correction of an Overbite
Most cases of overbite are treated surgically because of their skeletal basis. But this only occurs normally in adults when the jaw has finished growing. If orthodontic treatment is started while a child's jaw is still growing, it can have a positive effect.

The impact of an overbite determines whether reconstructive surgery is necessary, but braces like ODS Aligners can assist in milder cases. A dentist can examine you and advise you on the best course of action.

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